As of this writing, the compilers are available in a bundle available at The Internet Archive. They have been extracted from various installers/disc images so that you don't have to. Please see the instructions for use below.
The examples below outline arguments to pass to the command-line compilers included in the Windows CE 2.0 SDK in the form of GNU Makefiles. The Makefiles call the compilers through wine, which should be installed beforehand.
The examples assume a source code file called example.c and a Windows resource file called example.rc and they output an executable called example.exe.
The examples also assume that you have extracted the tarball linked above and placed it somewhere (e.g. under /opt) and stored that location in the environment variable $WCE20DEV (e.g. export WCE20DEV=/opt/wce20dev).
While Makefiles may not be useful on their own, hopefully these will provide a rough outline as to how to use the compilers included in the SDK.
This example demonstrates a basic Makefile for compiling a Windows CE 2.0 program for the SH3 CPU.
1 | example.exe: obj/example.o obj/example.res |
2 | wine $(WCE20DEV)/BIN/LINK.EXE /LIBPATH:$(WCE20DEV)/LIB/wce200/HPC/wcesh/ /machine:SH3 $^ /OUT:$@ |
3 | |
4 | obj/%.o: %.c |
5 | wine $(WCE20DEV)/BIN/SHCL.EXE /D "SH3" /D "_SH3_" /c /Fo$@ $< |
6 | |
7 | obj/%.res: %.rc |
8 | wine $(WCE20DEV)/BIN/RC.EXE /l 0x409 /r /d "SH3" /d "_SH3_" /d "_WIN32_WCE" /d "UNICODE" /fo $@ $< |
This section is under construction!
Please stay tuned for updates pending research and development.